Policy Library
( Top )How to Navigate the Policy Library


To watch a full overview of the Diocesan Policy Management System, please click on the video below. 


Bulletin Board and Feedback 

To find out more about the Bulletin Board and how you can leave feedback on a policy document in consultation, please watch the video below. 

Brief Overview 

For a brief overview of the Diocesan Policy Management System excluding the bulletin board and feedback functions, please watch the video below. 

( Top ) What documents can be found in the Diocesan Policy Library?
  • Policies; 
  • Procedures: 
  • Guidelines; 
  • Associated Information (links to referenced legislation, websites and Diocesan documents); 
  • A Glossary of Terms; and 
  • A link to the Diocesan Delegation Schedules.
( Top ) How can I find a specific policy or procedure?

All policies, procedures and guidelines can be found by clicking on the ‘View A-Z‘ page. The documents are alphabetised by title and can be filtered by agency. To find policies directed to an agency, click on the ‘Filter By’ drop down list and select your agency. The list will include agency related policy documents as well as policy documents covering the diocese wide.  

The ‘Search’ page can be used to search for a policy document by using any of the following fields:  

  • Full Text   

  • Key Word  

  • Target Audience (select the Agency or Diocesan-wide)  

The Full Text and Key Word fields will also list Associated Information in the search results.

( Top )How can I search for a particular word in a policy document?

Pressing Ctrl+F on your keyboard will open the find field for the page and allow you to enter the particular word that you are looking for.  

( Top )How can I provide feedback on a policy or procedure?

As per the Policy Document Consultation Guideline, the development of a policy or procedure, will generally include a Diocesan-wide and /or Agency-level consultation period. Notifications regarding a policy document’s consultation period will be provided by email or communicated on Connect@MN (Intranet/SharePoint). All feedback during the consultation period will be collated and provided to the Document Owner/Designated Officer for consideration.  

Feedback about a policy or procedure that is currently in operation should be directed to the Enquiries Contact listed in the Status and Details page for each policy document. 

To learn how to add feedback to a document that is currently in consultation on the policy management system, please watch the video below. 

Bulletin Board and Feedback

( Top )What is a Diocesan-wide policy document?


A policy is a statement of purpose or intent for how the Diocese wants its workers to manage or respond to particular situations.  Diocesan policy will support workers understanding of the Diocese’s views and values on specific issues, and what will occur if they are not followed.    

Policies may be imposed or required by external stimuli (civil or canonical law, societal or church regulation) or as a means of promoting or addressing a diocesan priority.  A policy can be security related also and that can be used to identify risks and mitigate risks. 

Policies are general statements of how an organization want to behave and procedures define in detail how to respond, how to complete a task step-by-step, to a greater or lesser extent.  


Procedures should only be as detailed as is required to give adequate guidance to diocesan workers to successfully undertake the activity.  Nevertheless, procedures that relate to security, risk mitigation or highly technical activities can be lengthy, highly detailed and complex. 


Guidelines state the Diocese’s general intent. It directs those subject to the guidelines how to treat or approach a particular situation.  Guidelines may be more general in approach or very detailed and particular. 

For further information, please refer to the Policy Management Policy and Procedure.

( Top )Where can I find information on the development and approval process for Diocesan policy documents?

Please refer to the Policy Management Policy, Policy Management Procedure and Policy Document Consultation Guideline.  

( Top )Who do I contact for assistance or to make an enquiry?

To request assistance or to enquire about a policy matter, please raise a service request ticket through Service@MN or email the Governance Policy team at policy@mn.catholic.org.au. 

If you have specific questions or feedback about a policy document that is currently in operation, you should direct these enquiries to the ‘Enquiries Contact’ listed in the ‘Status and Details’ page for each policy document. 

( Top ) What's happening with Diocesan and Agency policies

Current State 

Policy documents are found in a variety of locations which present version control challenges and inconsistencies. Current locations include: 

  • Connect@MN
  • COSI 
  • Agency specific document libraries 
  • Websites 


Interim State 

Working towards a single source of truth for all polices documents to be located in the new system. 

Gradually removing policy documents from other locations and shutting down other policy sites and libraries across the Diocese. 


Future State 

A single source of truth for all policy documents across the Diocese and its agencies. 

Easily find the correct version of a policy document.