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Schools Enrolment Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy sets out the principles and prioritisation for enrolment in Catholic Schools in the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (the Diocese).

(2) Catholic schools in the Diocese are also required to comply with all requirements relating to enrolment set out in the Education Act 1990 (NSW), and to the extent of any inconsistency, the Education Act applies.

(3) Catholic schools in the Diocese are also required to comply with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cth) and Disability Standards for Education 2005.

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Section 2 - Scope

(4) This policy applies to all school workers and parents/carers of students seeking enrolment at Catholic Schools in the Diocese.

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Section 3 - Responsibilities

Parish Priest Provide specialist advice to the Catholic school or Enrolment Committee to assist with enrolment prioritisation.
Head of Catholic Schools Lead the commitment to the policy principles.
Assistant Head Transitions and Projects Develop Diocesan wide procedures and process to support the implementation of this Policy, and ensure appropriate resources are available to schools.
Lead and oversee school staff compliance with this policy, including ensuring all school staff are aware of the policy and their requirements.
Seek support from the Catholic Schools Office (particularly Assistant Head Transitions and Projects) and Assistant Head Primary or Secondary where required for effective implementation.
Seek support from Student Learning and Wellbeing Team for students with disability.
Teachers and school workers Implement this policy when making decisions about enrolments.
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Section 4 - Policy Principles

Guiding Principles

(5) The following guiding principles apply to this policy.

(6) Catholic Schools in the Diocese are:

  1. for all:
    1. ‘Because we are Catholic – in the love and teaching of Christ we reach out to all. All families and their children, Catholic or non-Catholic, are encouraged to apply for enrolment at a Diocesan school.’;
  2. distinctly Catholic:
  3. committed to providing high-quality education:
    1. students, parents/carers and staff are educated in our Catholic story, traditions, and beliefs with students’ experiencing a culture of high expectations, deep learning and a sense of belonging for all;
  4. committed to respectful partnerships:
    1. students, parents/carers and staff agree to respect and support the Catholic identity of the school, in honouring the commitment to the holistic development of each child;
  5. providing a pathway of schools from P-12:
    1. families will be offered a pathway for their children from St Nicholas Early Education to Year 12;
  6. committed to collaboration:
    1. active engagement with parents/carers, parishes, diocesan agencies and the people they serve, will ensure continued growth and sustainability of enrolments across the Diocese;
  7. responsible for the inclusion and safeguarding of all:
    1. we welcome all students, including those with a genuine inability to pay fees, those who are marginalised and/or those with diverse needs, prioritising safety, welfare and wellbeing, to maximise positive student outcomes; and
  8. committed to diverse learning needs:
    1. our student population broadly reflects the diversity of life and culture across the Diocese, with enrolment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, students with disability, students who speak English as an Additional Language or Dialect and students with exceptional ability, and our schools actively engage in promoting an appreciation of this learning diversity.

Commitment to a Catholic Education

(7) Families who wish to enrol their child in a Diocesan Catholic school must demonstrate a commitment to Catholic Education.

(8) A commitment to Catholic education when considering priority of enrolment for secondary education generally means enrolment at a Diocesan primary school from kindergarten, however the following situations will also be considered:

  1. enrolment at a Diocesan primary school from the commencement of Year 4 for priority enrolment for secondary schools;
  2. enrolment at a Catholic school in another Diocese from Kindergarten or at least the commencement of Year 4 for priority enrolment for secondary schools;
  3. any other relevant factors that demonstrate a commitment to Catholic education; and
  4. extenuating circumstances such as significant distance from feeder primary schools (ie. rural and regional areas), moving residential locations or schools, particularly from outside the diocese.

Catchment areas and pathway schools

(9) Catchment areas and Pathway school will be designated by the Diocesan Catholic Schools Office and are subject to change.

(10) Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate students at their catchment or pathway school, this cannot always be guaranteed. Acceptance into a school in your catchment area or pathway school is subject to the enrolment process and prioritisation.

(11) Changes may be required due to new schools, demand, capacity, changing demographics or other priorities of the Diocese.

(12) Catchment areas for secondary schools will reflect the collective primary schools’ Catchment areas.

Enrolment Prioritisation – Primary Schools

(13) Enrolments for Diocesan Primary Schools will be prioritised in the following order:

  1. siblings of students currently enrolled in the Catholic primary school to which the application is being made;
  2. Catholic families living within the school’s catchment area (in priority order):
    1. Catholic families that have strong demonstrable links to the local Catholic Parish;
    2. Catholic families who participate irregularly in the life and worship of the Parish;
    3. Catholic families who do not participate in Parish life but whose children attend a Diocesan St Nicholas Early Education Centre; and
    4. Catholic families living within the school’s catchment area that do not participate in Parish life.
  3. families whose children attend a Diocesan St Nicholas Early Education Centre and live within the school’s catchment area; 
  4. families of other Christian denominations living within the school’s catchment area and committed to supporting all aspects of Catholic education; and
  5. other families living within the school’s catchment area and committed to supporting all aspects of Catholic education.

Enrolment Prioritisation – Secondary School

(14) Enrolments for a Diocesan Secondary Schools will be prioritised in the following order:

  1. students currently enrolled in a Diocesan Catholic primary school who have shown a commitment to Catholic education and are enrolling into their pathway Catholic Secondary school;
  2. siblings of students currently enrolled in the Catholic secondary school to which the application is being made;
  3. Catholic families from non-pathway schools living within the school’s catchment area;
  4. families of other Christian denominations living within the school’s catchment area and committed to supporting all aspects of Catholic education; and
  5. other families living within the school’s catchment area and committed to supporting all aspects of Catholic education.

(15) In situations where there are more Pathway school applications than available places in the above priority number, in assessing the order of priority for students within this category, the Principal will consider a range of factors to determine the enrolment priority and will submit this criteria to the Head of Catholic Schools for approval.  These factors must balance the educational needs of the students with the needs of the school and the other Diocesan Catholic schools, and may include: a commitment to Catholic education, Catholicity, proximity of the child’s home to school, ease of home to school, interview process and involvement in school activities at the feeder school.   

(16) In situations where there are more applications than places available within the above priority number 2, the following order of priority will apply:

  1. children of Catholic families (using the priority order in clause 19); and
  2. children of non-Catholic families.

(17) In situations where there are more applications than places available within the above priority number 3 for Secondary Schools and priority number 2 for Primary Schools, Catholic families (and its sub-categories) will be used to rank these applications. The sub-categories will be assessed first on need in accordance with guiding principal (g) “responsible for the inclusion and safeguarding of all”:

  1. Catholic families that have strong demonstrable links to the local Catholic Parish;
  2. Catholic families who participate irregularly in the life and worship of the Parish; and
  3. Catholic families who do not participate in Parish life.

Out of catchment area enrolment requests

(18) Out of catchment area enrolment requests will be considered by the Principal of the Diocesan Catholic school at which enrolment is sought, who will consult with the Principal of any Diocesan Catholic school in the relevant catchment area for the family.

(19) Requests to enrol in a Diocesan Catholic school that are outside the designated catchment area are not guaranteed.

(20) Out of catchment area enrolment requests must be supported by compelling/extenuating reasons as to why the request should be considered.

(21) The Enrolment Appeals Committee can review decisions made by the Principal on application by the family following the relevant procedure.

(22) Any recommendation made by the Enrolment Appeals Committee is final and the procedures of the Enrolment Committee will apply.

Form of Application

(23) Families must apply to a Diocesan Catholic School using the nominated enrolment form or process including providing all required information and supporting documentation.

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Section 5 - Notations

(24) If there is any inconsistency between a policy document in existence before the commencement of this policy, and a policy document developed after the commencement of this policy, the latter applies to the extent of the inconsistency.

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Section 6 - Document Review

(25) This policy will be reviewed when there is a legislative change, organisational change, delegations change, technology change or at least every 3 years to ensure it continues to be current and effective.