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Schools Attendance Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose

(1) This policy is intended to:

  1. set out the requirements for attendance of students at Catholic Schools of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (the Diocese);
  2. support an effective response to non-attendance;
  3. define the responsibilities of workers and Catholic Schools of the Diocese regarding attendance; and
  4. comply with the requirements of the Education Act 1990 (NSW) (Act) and the NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
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Section 2 - Scope

(2) This policy and associated procedures, supporting documents, forms and guidelines apply to all Catholic Schools of the Diocese.

(3) Workers carrying out related activities for Catholic Schools of the Diocese are responsible for implementing school responsibilities under this policy.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(4) School attendance plays a critical role in enhancing the lives of students in schools. Every day of attendance adds to a student’s academic and social achievements at school, and conversely every absence, can impact their learning and progress.

(5) Schools, in partnership with parents/carers, are responsible for promoting and maintaining, the regular attendance of students.

(6) In NSW, all children between the ages of six years and below the minimum school leaving age as defined in the Education Act 1990 (NSW) (Compulsory school-age) are legally required to be enrolled at and attend school or be registered with NESA for home schooling.

(7) Parents/cares have a duty to ensure a compulsory school age child is enrolled at and attends school. This duty is imposed on parents/carers under the Education Act 1990 (NSW) and is not imposed on the School.

(8) The Principal of a school must keep a register of enrolment and daily attendances of all children at the school. The register must record all absences and notifications given about the absence of a child and be available for inspection by an authorised person of the Minister under the Act.

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Section 4 - Policy Principles

(9) The following principles guide this policy:

  1. all students enrolled in a Catholic School of the Diocese are expected to attend school each day unless they are unwell or unable to attend for an approved reason or have been granted an exemption;
  2. all Catholic Schools in the Diocese have a core responsibility in encouraging regular attendance;
  3. the school attendance register of all Catholic Schools in the Diocese must reflect the highest professional standards and compliance with the requirements outlined by NESA and attendance codes approved by the Minister of Education; and
  4. all Catholic Schools in the Diocese must implement appropriate actions and strategies to follow up and respond to absences and issues of non-attendance.
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Section 5 - Responsibilities

♦ Enrolling their children of compulsory school age in a government or registered non-government school or registering them with NESA for home schooling.
♦ Ensuring that their children attend school regularly.
♦ Explaining to the school the absences of their children promptly and within seven days, otherwise this absence will be recorded as an unexplained absence. Parents/carers have the option to explain absences through the Compass platform.
♦ Working in partnership with the school in taking measures to resolve attendance issues involving their children.
♦ Ensuring students are enrolled consistent with the Schools Enrolment Policy and Guidelines for Enrolments and Transition of Students with a Disability.
♦ Providing information to students and parents regarding attendance requirements and the consequences of unsatisfactory attendance.
♦ Providing school staff with information on attendance requirements and their obligation to monitor and promote regular attendance at school.
♦ Ensuring daily attendance records and register (roll) are maintained by staff in accordance with approved codes and the Diocesan approved format, Compass.
♦ Ensuring effective school processes are in place for school staff to monitor and manage student attendance and absences, including reviewing explanations, requests and reasons, and contacting parents/carers promptly following an unexplained absence.
♦ Maintaining and managing all attendance records, applications and documentation, including details of transfers and exemptions consistent with the Diocesan’s Student Attendance Procedures.
♦ Ensuring attendance records are available for inspection upon request.
♦ Establishing a system for signing out students who need to leave the school premises during school hours e.g. appointments.
♦ Investigating all cases of unsatisfactory attendance from school promptly and ensuring that appropriate identification and intervention strategies are implemented.
♦ Developing and documenting attendance improvement plans and sharing these with the CSO to address the needs of students whose attendance is identified as being of concern.
♦ Responding to requests from the Minister for information about a child relating to attendance, enrolment and other relevant factors in the form and timeframe requested.
CSO Head of Schools
♦ Supporting schools to maintain accurate records of student attendance.
♦ Conducting regular audits of school attendance registers and provide support to Principals in following correct attendance procedures through the Continuum of School Improvement (COSI) process.
♦ Supporting schools in their implementation of attendance improvement plans and partial attendance plans to support students and their families with attendance concerns.
♦ Making decisions regarding the termination of enrolment due to habitual non-attendance.
♦ Granting specific exemptions that are delegated from the Minister for enrolment and attendance.
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Section 6 - Notations 

(10) If there is any inconsistency between a policy document in existence before the commencement of this policy, and a policy document developed after the commencement of this policy, the latter applies to the extent of the inconsistency. 

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Section 7 - Further information 

(11) If you would like further information about managing, recording, reporting and monitoring student attendance, please contact

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Section 8 - Document Review 

(12) This policy will be reviewed when there is a legislative change, organisational change, delegations change, technology change or at least every 3 years to ensure it continues to be current and effective.