(1) This policy document sets out the basis on which Catholic Community Fund Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (CCF) will determine whether “exceptional circumstances” that may lead to financial hardship exist that would warrant the early release of funds to Non-Associate Retail Clients (retail investor). (2) The Catholic Community Fund (“CCF”) is regulated under the APRA Banking Exemption No.1 of 2021 and ASIC Corporation (Charitable Investment Fundraising) Instrument 2016/813. (3) In so far as it relates to the CCF, the ASIC Instrument defines an associate client, as: (4) All other clients will be treated by the CCF as non-associate retail clients. (5) The CCF is not permitted to issue “short term investment products” to retail investors. The consequence of this is that retail investors that have invested with the CCF have to provide at least 31 days’ notice or await maturity before all or part of their funds can be repaid to them (subject to the terms and conditions of the relevant product, which may have a longer notice period). (6) However, the above does not apply (that is, repayment can be made at any time) if the CCF is satisfied that the repayment to the investor would alleviate financial hardship that the investor is suffering or would suffer. (7) This hardship provision only applies if the retail investor is an individual(s). (8) Any early repayment made by the CCF under this exemption must be: (9) Banking Exemption No.1 of 2021 provides that early repayment is permitted if a retail investor is subject to “exceptional circumstances” that may lead to hardship. (10) The requirement for “exceptional circumstances” is that the hardship must be some unforeseen and substantial event that has affected or will affect the retail investor. Such circumstances could include: (11) Circumstances under which the CCF will reject a request for early repayment due to financial hardship: (12) The hardship provisions require the retail investor to be subject (or potentially subject) to financial hardship. Therefore, any potential hardship has to affect the retail investor directly. It would not be appropriate to allow early repayment in circumstances where the hardship is experienced by someone who is not the retail investor. (13) Provided that the CCF is satisfied (acting reasonably) that the retail investor is or will be subject to exceptional circumstances that may lead to hardship if early repayment is not made, it will not be required to investigate further into each request. For example, the CCF is not required to exhaustively investigate whether the retail investor has any other means of financial assistance to alleviate the hardship other than early repayment of the funds. (14) A written request from a retail investor requesting the early repayment of their funds should be accompanied by sufficient information and/or documents to allow the CCF to assess the situation. This may include: (15) Each request for early repayment under the hardship provisions must be assessed on a case-by-case basis by the Office Manager, acting reasonably and pursuant to the provisions of this policy. The Office Manager may ask further questions or request further information from investors when assessing each request. (16) When the Office Manager assesses a request, he or she should take into account the investor’s ability to maintain their usual standard of living if the request is not accepted and, if relevant, may assess an investor’s income against other financial commitments and basic living expenses. (17) The Office Manager should respond to the investor within 2 business days of receipt of the request and assess the request as soon as reasonably practicable. The investor should be informed as soon as reasonably practicable as to whether their request for early repayment has been accepted by the CCF or not once sufficient information has been received by the CCF. (18) All recommendations of early repayment of funds to retail investors due to hardship should be approved by the Fund Manager, CEO or Head of Finance. (19) The applicant must be informed they have the right to complain to the CCF or the Australian Financial Complaints Authority if they are not satisfied with the response. (20) The Trustees of the Roman Catholic Church for the Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle ABN 62 089 182 027, on behalf of the Catholic Community Fund ABN 59 728 447 508, operating under an intermediary authorisation from CDFMN AFSL Limited ABN 74 623 033 830, AFSL No. 504182.Catholic Community Fund - Hardship Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Legal Requirements
Top of PageSection 3 - “Exceptional circumstances”
Section 4 - Procedure
Section 5 - Notations
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