(1) The purpose of this procedure is to set out the appeals process that applies to enrolment decisions made in accordance with the Schools Enrolment Policy and Procedure at (2) This procedure applies to all staff and parents/carers of students seeking enrolment at a (3) If the enrolment application has been declined or rejected by the Principal, you may apply for an appeal to the Schools (4) If you are unsatisfied with the (5) If informal resolution is inappropriate or unsuccessful, a parent or carer may submit an application for appeal. (6) An appeal must be submitted through the Online Form or by emailing feedback@mn.catholic.org.au (7) For an appeal to be considered, the parent or carer must submit the appeal by no later than 10 school days after the day on which the Principal sent the outcome of the enrolment decision. (8) An appeal must be in writing and must: (9) It is the responsibility of the parent or carer to include any documents that are required to substantiate the appeal with their appeal submission. (10) Late appeal applications will be rejected unless: (11) For each decision that may be appealed, the grounds for appeal are: (12) The assessment of an appeal made to the EAC will commence within 10 school days of the appeal application being submitted. The EAC considers the notice of appeal and any other relevant document or information and makes a recommendation to the Head of Catholic Schools. (13) The EAC may identify other means of resolution in cases where an agreed negotiated solution is regarded as likely and/or an alternative solution can be proposed. The EAC can make these recommendations directly to the Principal. (14) A parent or carer may withdraw their appeal application before the EAC considers the matters. This results in: (15) The appeals decision-maker or the EAC: (16) The appeals decision-maker or the EAC must: (17) For an appeal on the ground of new evidence, the appeals decision-maker or the EAC will decide whether that ground is made out, and (18) For an appeal on any other ground, the appeals decision-maker or the EAC will decide whether that ground is made out and: (19) The appeals decision-maker or the EAC may also decide that, although the ground of appeal is made out, the original finding should not be set aside, varied or replaced. In this case, it may allow the appeal but confirm the original finding. (20) In situations where the ground of appeal is made out but there are no available places at the School to grant the enrolment, the parent or carer will be offered a priority position on the School’s waiting list or a position at an Out of Catchment Area School that has available places. (21) The appeals decision-maker or the EAC will, within 20 school days of the appeal being made, communicate the outcome of the appeal to the Principal stating: (22) The Principal will communicate the finding and decision to the parent or carer within 2 school days of receiving the outcome of the appeal from the decision-maker or the EAC. (23) The appeals decision-maker or the EAC is responsible for advising the Principal of any action they need to carry out. (24) Principals must carry out the actions they need to as advised by the decision-maker or the EAC. (25) The Head of Catholic Schools or nominee will be the appeals decision-maker unless: (26) In such event, the Head of Catholic Schools or nominee will appointment an appropriate member of the Catholic Schools Leadership Team to act as the appeals decision-maker. (27) The appeal decision-maker will consider the recommendations made by the EAC and make a final decision about the appeal. (28) All decisions made by the appeals decision-maker are final and not subject to further review. (29) This procedure will be reviewed when there is a legislative change, organisational change, delegations change, technology change or at least every 3 years to ensure it continues to be current and effective.Schools Enrolment Appeals Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Procedure/Process
Appeal an Enrolment Decision
Seeking a Review Informally
Submitting an Appeal
Grounds for Appeal
Decisions that may be Appealed
Commitment to Catholic Education
A decision about whether a commitment to Catholic Education has been demonstrated. (Schools Enrolment Policy clause 9 & 10)
Out of Catchment Area
A decision about a request to enrol in a Diocean school that is not in the
Enrolment Prioritisation - Primary
A decision about the priority classification of an enrolment application in a Diocesan Primary School. (Schools Enrolment Policy clause 15)
Enrolment Prioritisation – Secondary
A decision about the priority classification of an enrolment application in a Diocesan Secondary School. (Schools Enrolment Policy clause 16-19)
Form of Application
A decision about an enrolment application that does not contain all required information and/or supporting documentation or has not been submitted using the nominated enrolment form. (Schools Enrolment Policy clause 25& 26)
Late Application
A decision about an enrolment application submitted after the enrolment cut-off date. (Schools Enrolment Procedure)
Complex Enrolment Application
A decision about an enrolment application that contains extensive information and/or supporting documentation such as an enrolment application where substantial adjustments are required.
Appeal Process
Appeal Decision
Notification of Appeal Decision
Appeals Decision Maker
Document Review
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