(1) The purpose of this policy is to outline how (2) St Nicholas Early Education will ensure compliance through adherence to policies and procedures of the Diocese. (3) St Nicholas Early Education will develop and implement operational procedures to comply with the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 (NSW) and associated Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011 SI 653), as specified in regulation 168 (2). (4) St Nicholas Early Education endeavours to promote a positive compliance culture, in which all workers contribute by actively reporting on any areas of non-compliance and advocating for the health adn safety of all children, team members and visitors in services. (5) This policy applies to all (6) Operational procedures that are connected to the National Law and Regulations must be followed as if they themselves are a policy. (7) Expectations for compliance, and consequences for failure to comply with these procedures is the same as for any policy. (8) St Nicholas will adopt a continuous improvement approach to compliance and if any inconsistencies are identified or opportunities for improvement St Nicholas Team Members have an obligation to report this to St Nicholas Executive Manager – Quality Assurance. (9) St Nicholas services are regularly audited in accordance with this policy and associated procedures. (10) Any St Nicholas employee found to be in breach of this policy and associated procedures may be subject to disciplinary action, including where a serious breach occurs, dismissal. (11) If there are any inconsistency between a policy document in existence before the commencement of this policy, and a policy document developed after the commencement of this policy, the latter applies to the extent of the inconsistency. (12) This policy will be reviewed when there is a legislative change, organisational change, delegations change or at least every 3 years to ensure it continues to be current and effective.St Nicholas - Compliance Policy
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Responsibility
Top of Page
Section 4 - Policy Principles
Section 5 - Consequences of Breaching this Policy
Section 6 - Notations
Section 7 - Document Review
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St Nicholas Executive Director
♦ Approve the St Nicholas Compliance Policy.
♦ Promote awareness of this policy and implications for breaching this policy.
St Nicholas Executive Manager – Quality Assurance
♦ Approve procedures that operationalise the requirements under the National Law and Regulations.
♦ Implement this policy and associated procedures by providing training and communications.
♦ Ensure disciplinary action is taken where breaches are identified, as required.
♦ Ensure corrective measures are implemented and actioned where breaches are identified.
Quality Assurance Manager
♦ Develop procedures that operationalise the requirements under the National Law and Regulations.
♦ Support St Nicholas Area Service Managers and Quality Assurance Coordinators to implement the procedures.
Area Service Manager
♦ Review reports on non-compliance with this policy and the associated procedures.
♦ Take disciplinary action where breaches are identified.
♦ Ensure corrective measures are implemented and actioned where breaches are identified.
Quality Assurance Coordinator
♦ Complete internal audit of services to identify areas of non-compliance.
♦ Support St Nicholas services to implement the procedures.
♦ Support Nominated Supervisors to action areas of non-compliance.
♦ Ensure all St Nicholas Team Members are aware of and acknowledge this policy and the associated procedures.
♦ Ensure St Nicholas Team Members are reporting on non-compliance with this policy and the associated procedures.
♦ Ensure service maintains compliance with this policy and associated procedures.
♦ Support St Nicholas team members to implement the procedures.
♦ Follow this policy and associated procedures.
♦ Report incidents of non-compliance with this policy and associated procedures to relevant agencies.