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Fundraising Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose 

(1) This policy provides key principles for the management of donations and fundraising activities undertaken by the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (the Diocese) including its agencies

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Section 2 - Scope 

(2) This policy applies to all workers of the Diocese including its agencies. This policy also applies to parishes if decreed by the Bishop. 

(3) This policy covers all fundraising activities that are intended to generate funds to support the mission of the Diocese or any other purpose stated in the registration for an agency. This may include supporting a group of people, cause or organisation. 

(4) The Diocese may accept or reject donations from: 

  1. individuals, companies and organisations; 
  2. workplace giving; 
  3. churches; 
  4. parishioners; 
  5. philanthropic trust and foundations;
  6. corporate foundations; and 
  7. estates. 

(5) This policy does not apply to the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle clergy fund or funds collected in parishes as part of the first collection. 

(6) Income received from government funding or government grants is not within the scope of this policy. 

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Section 3 - Responsibilities 

Bishop, CEO  ♦ Setting the tone at the top, demonstrate commitment to and compliance with this policy. 
Directors, Heads of Agencies, Heads of Shared Services  
♦ Setting the tone at Diocesan and agency level, demonstrate commitment to and compliance with this policy. 
♦ Implementing this policy 
Managers and Principals 
♦ Ensuring that all workers at the workplace they manage are aware and familiar with this policy and that all activities at the workplace are compliant with this policy and any associated procedures and guidelines. 
Workers and others
♦ Understanding and following this policy. 
♦ Seek appropriate approvals and authorisation to undertake fundraising activities. 
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Section 4 - Policy Principles

Guiding Principles 

(7) The Diocese will ensure fundraising activities are guided by the following principles: 

  1. consistent with the purpose of the Diocese or any other purpose stated in the registration for an agency; 
  2. compliance with relevant laws, regulations and codes of practice; 
  3. truthful and honest communication about fundraising activities; 
  4. refusal to accept donations or undertake fundraising activities that may be detrimental to the reputation of the Diocese; 
  5. demonstrate themselves as good and faithful stewards of the resources given to them in good faith by all sectors of the community; 
  6. maintaining a high standard of transparency, accountability and ethical practice in Fundraising initiatives consistent with the Charitable Fundraising Act 1991 (NSW) and Charitable Fundraising Regulation 2021 (NSW) and with fundraising legislation and regulations of other jurisdications, where required. 

Refusal to accept a donation or undertake fundraising activities

(8) Where a worker, manager, school principal or Head of Agency forms the view that the donation or fundraising activity is not consistent with the guiding principles in clause (7), it must refuse to accept the donation or undertake the fundraising activity. The final decision rests with the relevant manager, school principal or Head of Agency with whom approval or endorsement is sought. 

Responsbilities of Authorised Workers 

(9) Only authorised workers in the Diocese may: 

  1. process donations; 
  2. issue tax-deductible receipts or donor refunds, where appropriate; 
  3. conduct events to obtain additional donors; 
  4. record and access donor information; and 
  5. organise or authorise fundraising events and other activities. 

Endorsement of Authorised Workers 

(10) A worker is authorised if they obtained endorsement to hold a fundraising event. 

(11) Where the fundraising event is likely to raise over $10,000, endorsement must be obtained by the Head of Agency. 

(12) Where the fundraising event is likely to raise less than $10,000, endorsement must be obtained by the relevant manager or school principal. 

(13) If the fundraising event raises more than $10,000 notice must be given to the relevant Head of Agency. 

(14) Endorsement to hold a fundraising event will only be granted where the fundraising event is consistent with the purpose of the Diocese, any other purpose stated in registration for an agency or a related purpose that has been approved by the Head of Agency, or manager or principal, and relevant information about the fundraising event has been provided.

(15) Relevant information about a fundraising event may include: 

  1. How it relates to the purpose of the Diocese, any other purpose stated in registration for an agency or a related purpose.
  2. The nature of the proposed activity. 
  3. Financial and other impacts/obligations on workers and the community. 
  4. Person/s responsible for keeping accurate financial records of funds collected. 
  5. Details of the authorised worker seeking endorsement. 
  6. Date and method money raised will be provided to the Diocese, agency, school or parish. 
  7. A Risk assessment to identify hazards associated with the fundraising event and implement control measures that can be eliminated or minimise risks. 

(16) In all circumstances relating to fundraising events or donations, the principal or manager of the agency, school or parish that receives the donation must ensure that funds are used for the disclosed purpose for which the funds were collected. 

Responsbility of Workers 

(17) All workers who are responsible for receiving and processing donations shall: 

  1. respect and value all who donate; 
  2. ensure donation processes are secure and transparent; 
  3. acknowledge donations in a prompt manner; 
  4. provide excellent donor care; and 
  5. respond to donor feedback and enquiries in a timely manner. 

Fundraising – Consistent with the Purpose if the Diocese 

(18) An authorised worker must demonstrate that a fundraising activity is consistent with the purpose of the Diocese or any other purpose stated in registration for an agency. 

(19) A fundraising activity may be consistent with the purpose of the Diocese or any other purpose stated in registration for an agency if it relates to: 

  1. an existing service or program of a Diocesan agency, school or parish; or 
  2. the core business of a Diocesan agency, school or parish; or 
  3. a new approved service or program of a Diocesan agency, school or parish. 

Fundraising – Consistent with Other Related Purposes

(20) If an authorised worker is unable to demonstrate that a fundraising activity is consistent with the purpose of the Diocese or any other purpose stated in registration for an agency, it must be consistent with another related purpose such as: 

  1. a Catholic organisation supporting the purpose and mission of the broader Catholic church; or 
  2. an organisation with values that align with the Catholic church.

(21) It is acknowledge that fundraising activities that fall within this category should only be approved in limited circumstances. This ensures that fundraising for organisations or causes outside of the Diocese are limited to what is reasonable in the circumstances. It also ensures that some organisations or causes are not favoured over others. 

(22) It is recommended that the relevant manager, school principal or Head of Agency consults with their manager before approving a fundraising activity within this category. 

Donor Privacy and Confidentiality 

(23) The Diocese will take all reasonable steps to protect the privacy and security of personal information relating to donors. 

(24) The Diocese will comply with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) when it collects, holds, uses, discloses and corrects personal information. 

(25) The Privacy Policy can be found here: Privacy Policy 

Refunds and cancellations 

(26) The Diocese recognises that  the existing donors may experience a change in personal circumstances which may require them to decrease or cease regular donations. 

(27) The Diocese also recognises that errors by the donor, the Diocese or the financial institution involved in the donation transactions may occur from time to time. 

(28) Requests to review or refund donations made in error will be reviewed on a case by case basis and refunds may be issued where errors have been made or where the circumstances warrant a refund to be made. 

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Section 5 - Consequences of Breaching this Policy 

(29) Any worker found to be in breach of this policy may be subject to disciplinary action, including where a serious breach occurs, dismissal.

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Section 6 - Notations 

(30) If there is inconsistency between a policy document in existence before the commencement of this policy, and a policy document developed after the commencement of this policy, the latter applies to the extent of the inconsistency. 

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Section 7 - Document Review 

(31) This policy will be reviewed when there is a legislative change, organisational change, delegations change or at least every 3 years to ensure it continues to be current and effective.