(1) St Nicholas is committed to providing children with an environment that promotes their health, safety, and wellbeing. (2) (3) The Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011 S1 653) require approved providers to ensure their services have policies and procedures in place in relation to dealing with incident, injury, trauma and illness. This procedure needs to read in conjunction with the St Nicholas Compliance Policy. (4) This procedure applies to all (5) (6) (7) The (8) (9) There are some illnesses that require notification to Regulatory Authority and the Public Health Unit. St Nicholas services should notify their Public Health Unit and Regulatory Authority within 24 hours of being made aware that a child enrolled at the service has one of the following vaccine preventable diseases (or is reasonably suspected of having come into contact with a person who has one of these vaccine preventable diseases), and the enrolled child has no evidence of immunisation lodged to show that the child is immunised against, or has acquired immunity by infection from that disease. (10) These are known as (11) For information specific to immunisation, please refer to the St Nicholas Infectious Diseases procedure. (12) The (13) (14) The onset of sudden illness may occur for children while in attendance at a St Nicholas service. A child may become lethargic, have a temperature, indicate they are in pain, become quiet and withdrawn, do not want to participate in activities, or present in other ways. (15) (16) (17) If the child has gone home from the service with a fever but their temperature is normal the next morning, they can return to the service. (18) Call 000 and ask for an ambulance if the child has a temperature and displays any of the following: (19) Notify parent/carer or authorised nominee of the situation and that an ambulance has been called for a (20) Vomiting and diarrhoea may occur in children while attending St Nicholas services. This is not always indicative of illness. (21) (22) Urgent medical attention is needed if a child has a rash of flat spots that do not whiten/blanche if you press on them. The spots can be very small or quite large, and red or purple in colour. These rashes are caused by burst blood vessels under the skin, and may indicate a serious infection, such as meningococcal disease (Staying Healthy, 6th ed., 2024). (23) Some rashes can be a sign of a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis). The parents/carers of children who are known to have severe, life-threatening allergies should provide the education and care service with an anaphylaxis action plan for their child. St Nicholas team members should follow this plan in the event of an anaphylactic reaction (Staying Healthy, 6th ed., 2024). (24) St Nicholas team members will: (25) A (26) A first aid trained (27) Contact an ambulance by calling ‘000’. Ambulance is to be called prior to contacting parents or carers. (28) The St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor or (29) Ensure the relevant authorities are notified within the required timeframe. (30) The police and relevant authorities will investigate, and the environment is not to be disturbed until all applicable authorities have given an all clear. (31) The St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor or St Nicholas Responsible Person will direct St Nicholas team members to make comprehensive observations of anything seen or actions taken before or after the accident and complete any documentation required. This may include but is not limited to: (32) These forms must be completed as soon as practical or within 24 hours of the incident. (33) Police in attendance will inform the St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor or Area Service Manager of any other matters that need to be addressed. (34) In the event of a death, or serious injury at the service, all St Nicholas employees will be offered debriefing and counselling from suitably qualified persons such as EAP, psychologist, counsellor, SIDS and kids. (35) In the event of a death, or serious injury at the service, children with the approval of parents/carers will be offered support by St Nicholas employees and external suitably qualified persons. (36) (37) If St Nicholas employees involved are found to be negligent in any way they will be placed on Administrative Leave until the investigation is concluded or until further notice. (38) St Nicholas employees involved in incidents that result in the death of child will be required to participate in investigations to the incident. Depending on the findings of People & Culture’s investigations (which will be undertaken in accordance with relevant People & Culture policies) into the matter, employees may be subject to disciplinary action including but not limited to summary dismissal for serious misconduct. (39) If St Nicholas team members wish to attend the funeral (following appropriate consultation with the child’s parents/carers), special leave will be granted which may result in the centre being closed for the day. Closure of the service will be considered on a case by case basis. (40) All (41) If a child presents at a St Nicholas service with symptoms similar to those of an infectious disease already diagnosed in the service, the St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor or St Nicholas Responsible Person, has the right to discreetly ask the child’s parent/carer to obtain a clearance letter from their medical practitioner before returning to care. (42) In the event of a child arriving at the service who is visibly unwell, the St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor or St Nicholas Responsible Person may discreetly ask the parent/carer to take the child home to recover before returning. (43) First aid kits will contain a list of contents with product use by dates. (44) A list of emergency numbers will be placed in prominent positions inside and outside the service and near telephones. (45) Resuscitation posters are displayed in appropriate areas of the service. (46) The St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor or St Nicholas Responsible Person is to be notified before parents are called to collect their child. (47) In the case of an injury sustained to the head, face or as a result of a bite from another child, parents/carers are to be notified as early as conveniently possible by telephone, even if the injury does not appear to be serious. (48) The following medical procedures will not be performed by educators and parents/carers will be notified of the injury and asked to collect child if necessary: (49) Eyes are only to be washed out with a saline solution. If anything else is in the eye, parents/carers will be called to assess child and seek medical assistance if necessary. For eye injuries of a serious nature team members will seek medical assistance straight away. (50) In the event of a serious incident please refer to the St Nicholas Notification of a Serious Incident Procedure. (51) If an ambulance is called and a child is taken to hospital, a St Nicholas employee will accompany the child if the parent/carer has not arrived. (52) This procedure will be reviewed when there is a legislative change, organisational change, delegations change or at least every 3 years to ensure it continues to be current and effective.St Nicholas - Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Responsibility
Top of Page
St Nicholas Approved Provider
St Nicholas Team Members
Section 4 - Procedure
Trauma caused by a serious incident at the service
Reportable illnesses contracted by a child
Sudden illnesses in children
Vomiting and/or Diarrhoea
Incidents that result in the death of a child
General Information
Section 5 - Legislative Requirements
Top of Page
Regulation 86
Notification to parents of incident, injury trauma and illness
Section 6 - Document Review
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• Ensure that the obligations under the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 (NSW) and Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011) are met.
• Take reasonable steps to ensure that the St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor , St Nicholas team member and visitors follow the policy and procedures.
• Store records appropriately, in accordance with the Privacy Policy and Information and Records Management Policy.
St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor/ Responsible Person
• Implement the St Nicholas Incident, Injury, Trauma and Illness procedure.
• Ensure that the enrolment record contains all prescribed information.
• Ensure that when children are on the premises, at least one St Nicholas team member holds a current approved first aid qualification , valid CPR qualification, current approved training and current approved anaphylaxis management training and approved emergency asthma management training .
• Contact emergency services in the first instance, then notify parent/carers immediately after a Serious incident (St Nicholas) , injury, trauma or medical emergency or as soon as practicable.
• Ensure parents/carers or an authorised nominee is notified of any Serious incident (St Nicholas) involving their child at a service as soon as practicable, within 24 hours of the incident occurring.
• Ensure the relevant external authorities are notified of incidents within the required timeframes.
• Conduct a review and take any appropriate action to remove or rectify the cause if required. This will include reviewing the risk assessments and supervision plans.
• Maintain high levels of active supervision and always meet ratio requirements.
• Archive and store records appropriately, in accordance with the Privacy Policy and Information and Records Management Policy.
• Take immediate actions to ensure the safety, health and wellbeing of the children in our care, which may include providing first aid .
• Be aware of children with allergies and their attendance days, and apply this knowledge when attending to any incidents, injury, trauma or illness.
• Assess the seriousness of an incident and if there is a need to contact emergency services .
• Maintain high levels of active supervision and always meet ratio requirements.
• Record information as soon as possible, and within 24 hours of the incident injury, trauma or illness in mnResponse .
• Provide accurate health information regarding their child in writing and ensure this information remains current. This includes the child’s medical history, any known allergens, and their associated management plan if applicable.
• Provide authorisation in their child’s enrolment form for the St Nicholas Approved Provider , St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor , or a St Nicholas educator to seek medical treatment for their child from a registered medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service and, if required, for transportation by an ambulance service.
• Sign consent forms during initial enrolment regarding application of sunscreen.
• Notify St Nicholas educators if there has been a change in the condition of the child’s day to day health, or of a recent accident or incident that may impact the child’s care.
• Ensure their child remains in their care for 24 hours post administration of an anaesthetic.
• Ensure any medical action plans at the service are kept current.
• Be contactable, either directly or through emergency contact listed on the enrolment form, in the event of an incident requiring the administration of first aid and/or medical attention.
• Notify a St Nicholas team member if your child is unable to attend the service due to illness.
Children (Education and Care Services) National Law 2010
Offence to inadequately supervise children
Offence to fail to notify certain information to Regulatory Authority
Offence relating to protection of children from harm and hazards
Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
Incident, injury, trauma and illness policies and procedures
Incident, injury, trauma and illness record
First aid kits
Procedure for administration of medication
Emergency and evacuation procedures
Premises, furniture and equipment to be safe, clean and in good repair
Authorisations to be kept in enrolment record
Education and Care Services must have policies and procedures
Policies and procedures to be followed
Policies and procedures to be kept available
Notification of change to policies or procedures
Prescribed enrolment and other documents to be kept by approved provider
Storage of records and other documents
National Quality Standards
Incident and emergency management: Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies
are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practised and implemented.
Management systems: Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective
management and operation of a quality service.
Roles and responsibilities: Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and understood, and support effective decision-making and operation of the service.