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St Nicholas - Administration of First Aid Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose 

(1) St Nicholas is committed to providing children with an environment that promotes their health, safety, and wellbeing. St Nicholas will provide immediate and effective first aid to children, St Nicholas team members, families, or visitors by suitably trained St Nicholas employees, as required.

(2) The Education and Care Services National Regulations (2011) require approved providers to ensure their services have policies and procedures in place in relation to administering first aid. This procedure need to be read in conjunction with the St Nicholas Compliance Policy

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Section 2 - Scope 

(3) This procedure applies to all St Nicholas team members who educate and care for children in Early Education and OOSH services and the parents/carers of children who attend St Nicholas services.

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Section 3 - Responsibility 

St Nicholas Approved Provider
• Take reasonable steps to ensure that the St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor, St Nicholas team members and parents/carers follow the policy and procedures.
• Store records appropriately, in accordance with the Privacy Policy and Information and Records Management Policy.
St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor/ Responsible Person
• Adhere to the St Nicholas Incident, Injury, Trauma, and illness Procedure in all accident situations.
• If required, ensure support for St Nicholas team members at the scene of the accident.
• If necessary, organise alternate care or collection by parent/carers or authorised nominee of other children at the education service.
• Ensure that all blood or bodily fluids are cleaned up in a safe manner (refer to the St Nicholas First Aid Procedure and St Nicholas Infectious Diseases Procedure).
• Ensure that anyone who encounters any blood or fluids washes in warm soapy water.
• Report accidents and/or incidents to appropriate authorities as soon as possible where medical or emergency attention was sought or should have been sought for a child (refer to St Nicholas Notification of a Serious Incident Procedure)
• Ensure first aid kits are correctly stocked, within the expiration date, and stored appropriately.
• Ensure appropriate educators are suitably trained in areas identified in ‘Clauses 12 and 13 First Aid Qualifications’.
• Ensure that all first aid kits and the contents are checked monthly and recorded on mnResponse, including expiry dates on applicable items.
St Nicholas Team Members
• Adhere to the St Nicholas Incident, Injury, Trauma, and Illness Procedure in all accident situations.
• Take immediate steps to secure urgent medical attention.
• Reassure the other children and keep them calm, keeping them informed about what is happening, and away from the injured child.
• Ensure that the child is kept under adult supervision until the child recovers or until a parent/carer or authorised nominee takes charge of the child.
• Advise the parent/carer or authorised nominee if any matter concerning the child’s health arises while the child is in attendance.
• Ensure the child is returned as soon as practicable to the care of a parent/carer or authorised nominee of the child.
• Inform the parent/carer or authorised nominee as required of the emergency.
• Ensure a fully stocked and updated first aid kit is kept in a secure and accessible location at the service. Take a sufficiently stocked first aid kit on excursions.
• Ensure a cold compress is available at the service.
Trainees and SBAT (School-based trainee) are not to administer first aid and are to seek support from a qualified St Nicholas team member.
• Provide authorisation in their child’s enrolment form for the St Nicholas Approved Provider, St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor, or a St Nicholas team member to seek medical treatment for their child from a registered medical practitioner, hospital or ambulance service and, if required, for transportation by an ambulance service.
• Be aware that medication may be administered to their child in the case of an anaphylaxis or asthma emergency without their authorisation.
• Notify the service upon enrolment of any specific health care needs of their child, including any medical conditions and allergies and any medical action plans that need to be followed.
• Ensure any medical action plans at the service are kept current.
• If needed, collect their child as soon as possible when notified of an incident, injury, trauma, or illness that required first aid.
• Be contactable, either directly or through emergency contact listed on the enrolment form, in the event of an incident requiring the administration of first aid and/or medical attention.
• Notify the St Nicholas Nominated Supervisor or St Nicholas educator if there has been a change in the condition of the child’s health, or of a recent accident or incident that may impact the child’s care and require the administration of first aid.
• Provide written consent for appropriate medical, dental or hospital treatment to be carried out in the event such actions appear necessary.
• Supply the contact number of their preferred doctor and dentist, as well as the Medicare number and expiry date.
• Supply contact information for those authorised to act in the event a parent/carer or authorised nominee cannot be contacted.
• Ensure currency of all information by updating any changes immediately with the service.
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Section 4 - Procedure

(4) Call 000 immediately in the event of a Serious incident (St Nicholas) or medical emergency.

Minor incident or accident

(5) In the case of a minor incident or accident:

  1. Assess the injury.
  2. Attend to the injured person and apply first aid as required.
  3. Ensure disposable gloves are worn when dealing with all blood and bodily fluids and that they are cleaned up and disposed of in a safe manner in accordance with the St Nicholas Infectious Diseases Procedure.
  4. Record the incident on an incident report in mnResponse.
  5. Where the injury relates to a child, notify the parent/carer by phone after the incident if the child has head injury or the incident has caused the child to be distressed. Record notification on incident report in mnResponse.

Serious incident or accident

(6) In the case of a Serious incident (St Nicholas) or accident:

  1. Assess the injury and decide whether the injured person or child needs to be attended to by a local doctor or whether an ambulance should be called.
  2. If the injured person or child’s injury is serious, the priority is to get immediate medical attention. Where the injury relates to a child, a parent/carer should be contacted straight away, if not possible, there should be no delay in organising proper medical treatment.
  3. Attend to the injured person or child and apply first aid as required.
  4. Ensure that disposable gloves are used with any contact with blood or bodily fluids.
  5. Stay with the injured person or child until suitable help arrives or taken for further treatment.
  6. Try to make the injured person or child as comfortable as possible and reassure them.
  7. If an ambulance is called and a child is taken to hospital a St Nicholas employee will accompany the child if the parent/carer has not arrived.
  8. Contact your St Nicholas Area Service Manager as soon as practically possible.
  9. Record the treatment given on the incident report in mnResponse.
  10. Refer to the St Nicholas Notification of Serious Incident Procedure.

General information

(7) Adult medication, including analgesics such as paracetamol and aspirin, should not be included in first aid kits because of their potential to cause adverse health effects in some people including asthmatics, pregnant women, and people with medical conditions. The supply of these medications may also be controlled by drugs and poisons laws.

(8) Children’s paracetamol is to be stored in a lockbox. If it is required to be administered, employees are to refer to the St Nicholas Administration of Medication procedure.

(9) All St Nicholas team members and visitors requiring prescribed and over-the-counter medications should carry their own medication for their personal use as necessary. These medications should be stored in a secure location and not accessible to children.

(10) First Aid should only be applied by a St Nicholas employee who has a valid First Aid Certificate. However, trainees who hold a valid First Aid Certificate are not to administer first-aid, unless in an Emergency.

(11) St Nicholas team members under the age of 18 years should not apply first aid until they:

  1. turn 18 years of age; and
  2. have a current, approved first aid qualification (see below).

(12) In the case of a needlestick injury, team members should refer to the Sharps Management Procedure.

First Aid Qualifications

(13) St Nicholas Early Education will ensure that in any location children are being educated and cared for, at least one St Nicholas employee will be in attendance who is immediately available in an emergency at all times, who:

  1. holds a current, approved first aid qualification (training completed within the previous three years);
  2. has undertaken approved anaphylaxis management training (training completed within the previous three years);
  3. has undertaken approved emergency asthma management training (training completed within the previous three years); and
  4. holds current emergency life support training and cardiopulmonary training (CPR) (training completed within the previous year).

(14) The same person may hold one or more of these qualifications.

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Section 5 - Legislative Requirements

Children (Education and Care Services) National Law 2010

Offence relating to protection of children from harm and hazards

Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011

Incident, injury, trauma and illness policies and procedures
Notification to parent of incident, injury, trauma, and illness
Incident, injury, trauma and illness record
Infection diseases
First aid kits
Medical conditions policy
Medication record
Administration of medications
Exception to authorisation requirement – anaphylaxis or asthma emergency
Conduct of risk assessment for excursion
Conduct of risk assessment for transporting of children by the education and care service
First aid qualifications
Approval of qualifications
Authorisations to be kept in enrolment record
Health information to be kept in enrolment record
Education and Care Services must have policies and procedures
Policies and procedures to be followed
Policies and procedures to be kept available
Notification of change to policies or procedures
Time to notify certain information to Regulatory Authority
Storage of records and other documents

National Quality Standards

Health practices and procedures: Effective illness and injury management and hygiene
practices are promoted and implemented.
Incident and emergency management: Plans to effectively manage incidents and emergencies
are developed in consultation with relevant authorities, practised and implemented.
Element 4.1.1 Staffing arrangements: The organisation of educators across the service supports children’s learning and development. 
Element 7.1.2 Management systems: Systems are in place to manage risk and enable the effective management and operation of a quality service.
Roles and responsibilities: Roles and responsibilities are clearly defined, and understood, and support effective decision-making and operation of the service. 
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Section 6 - Document Review 

(15) This procedure will be reviewed when there is a legislative change, organisational change, delegations change or at least every 3 years to ensure it continues to be current and effective.