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  • Data Breach Response ProcedureThis is the first iteration of this document to be migrated and published in the new Policy Library, implemented in 2024. For all intents and purposes, it is equivalent to the version that was approved and published at the time of the migration. The document was subjected to numbering and formatting changes to meet the publication requirements of the new system.
  • Delegations of Authority PolicyBy this policy and its schedules the CEO delegates those operational matters specified within the schedules to the positions nominated in the schedules.

    This policy and its schedules are an extension on (and were proposed by) the Decree of the Vicar General of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (the Diocese) dated 15 February 2021 and numbered 04/2021.

    This Delegation of Authority Policy and its Schedules replace all other Delegations of Authority Policies, or schedules of Delegation across the Diocese and its agencies.
  • Diocesan Resource Centre Booking ProcedureThe purpose of this procedure is to set out the requirements for booking Diocesan Resource Centre (DRC) of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (the Diocese).
    This procedure enables to safe use of the DRC meeting spaces to ensure that people setting up and using the space has Workplace Health and Safety (WHS) in mind and that the equipment and resources are maintained.
    The DRC is available for all the Diocese workers to utilised for groups of up to 50 persons in the communal library space. Groups may book the space for training, seminars, meetings or similar.
  • Diocesan Resource Centre Volunteer GuidelinesThe purpose of these guidelines is to provide guidance on the expectations and key responsibilities of workers of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (the Diocese) who volunteer at the Diocesan Resource Centre Library
  • Diocesan Safeguarding Framework PolicyThe Diocese takes a zero-tolerance approach to abuse. The Diocese strives to inculcate the safeguarding of children and vulnerable persons as a core practice in all its parishes and faith communities as well as all the services and programmes offered by the Diocese.

    The Diocesan Safeguarding Framework Policy (â€~Framework’) is designed to:
    • support diocesan workers to meet their safeguarding obligations
    • provide diocesan leadership with guidance on what needs to be incorporated into individual parishes’ and agencies’ policies, procedures and operational norms to achieve compliance with state and Church legislation, obligations and expectations
    • assist the Diocese in being a â€~child-safe organisation’.
  • Dress Guidelines for EmployeesThese dress guidelines set out how employees of the Catholic Diocese of Maitland-Newcastle (the Diocese) are expected to dress at work, including when working from home. Dress and personal appearance are important elements of professional presentation. Employees have an obligation to dress appropriately and in a manner that maintains respect, establishes credibility, and upholds the good reputation of the Diocese and its agencies.
    These dress guidelines supersede and replace all previous dress codes or dress guidelines across the Diocese and its agencies.